Wooden's World of Baseball

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A new ballpark in Loudon County?

For the second time in the past few months, a story has popped up that a new "green" ballpark has been proposed for an area to be dubbed "Kincora," which will feature among the usual distractions when developers make their pitch, a $30M ballpark that will house an Atlantic League expansion team.

Sorry, I just don't see it happening.

And it's not necessarily because of the poor economy. Or because the Potomac Nationals haven't been able to get any traction for the past five-to-six years to replace its dump of a ballpark.

I just don't see it happening because I quite frankly don't believe it when the developers promise to build, at their expense, the roads to relieve the traffic congestion. Never mind that Loudoun County has a LONG history of NIMBYism. They refuse to build schools without a fight on the distorted notion that that will somehow stem the tide of "newcomers," which in rural Virginia parlance means non-native (I prefer "college-educated," but I digress).

It's a shame because on paper it looks like a good idea, and it would be nice to not have to go to Frederick or Waldorf to go see a game when the PNats aren't in town (and sadly, I don't see ol' Art using this as leverage against Prince William Count, who are just simply cheap, period).

# # #
This weekend marks the long-awaited Carolina Road Trip — Kinston, NC on Friday, Myrtle Beach, SC on Saturday, driving back the whole way on Sunday. Look for pictures next week!


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